Crystal and Herb of the Month

Crystal of the Month



Moonstone, a beautiful translucent crystal that is a part of the feldspar mineral group that ranges in colors of white, gray,  orange, green, blue, pink, brown, peach and rainbow. 

As it is linked to the Moon (as in the name), the metaphysical properties of Moonstone is feminine energy and new beginnings. This crystal provides healing in multiple areas such as inner growth, new beginnings, encouraging emotional stability, relieving stress, enhancing intuition, brings good luck in love and business alike

Moonstone has been used as a beautiful adornment and a powerful talisman since ancient civilizations, and, though found all over the world, the stone was first discovered in ancient Rome, where the Romans believed moonstone to be formed from solidified beams of moonlight. 

It was actually the Roman natural historian, Pliny, who coined the name of this gemstone when he wrote that moonstone’s shimmery appearance shifted with the phases of the moon—a belief that held until well after the sixteenth century.

Moonstone had become so popular that in 1970, Florida adopted moonstone as its official state gemstone in 1970 to commemorate the Apollo 11 moon landing and other space flights that launched from Florida.  It is also the deep love and fascination of this little crystal, that is still valued over Pearl and Alexandrite in Germany and Scandinavia.

Herb of the Month


Clover, with a simple, yet beautiful little flower and a lush green leafed plant. It is magical in every aspect and we have associated clover as the ‘Luck’ plant for many years. There are two colors of flowers atop these little plants, red and white, and both flowers and plants have very useful metaphysical, and health, properties.

Medicinally, the red clover is typically used to treat respiratory issues, skin disorders, inflammatory issues and many women's health problems; while the white clover can be used to boost the immune system and treat fever, coughs, and colds. It is such a  useful herb to have on hand as it can be utilized in a variety of ways as it has been long prized for its many health promoting properties; both the leaves and the flowers. In cooking, use the tenderest leaves raw in salads, cooked with other greens or added to soups and stews, add flowers (fresh or dried) to make tea, either on their own, or in herbal tea blends and add the blossoms may also be added to baked goods like muffins or scones, or even turned into flour.


Tarot and Rune of the Month

Card of the Month


The Lovers

The traditional Rider-Waite Tarot deck depicts two individuals, representing a man and a woman, standing naked, looking up into the sky, as the Archangel Raphael is above them, with the bright yellow of the Sun, and its rays, shining behind. The couple stands on small hills, whilst there is a large peaked mountain in the background, along with trees behind each of the people.

This is a brightly colored card, and its symbolism is about both the physical and the emotional healing. The colors are bright and joyful, as each area of the card is saturated with varying shades of pinks, blues, white and yellow - all of which give us a sense of what is happening in our physical world when and that which is related to the aspect of Air . Each color within this card represents something, such as pink representing the heart and love, turquoise (blue) is deep compassion, white representing purity (hence why it is mostly the color of Raphael's clothing)and finally, the yellow represents with the superconscious or highest level of consciousness, and the most direct connection to the higher spheres, intellect and awareness. When this card comes up in a reading, it is usually taken as a sign of harmony in a relationship. It is about complete trust, and empowerment of each other. It is also seen as having a choice in all matters of the heart.



Some of the Books, websites and more that we recommend.



There are many wonderful and informative websites that can be found; however here we are just listing a few.

If you have any websites you would like to see listed, please email us with the name and link (this is subject to description) 

The Wild Hunt

Burning Bright

Pagan Square

Witches & Pagans